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Strong Meat for the Double Minded

January 3, 2023

OK, I’m just going to say it. I have had enough of the pattycake with Jesus posts I see on social media, the double-minded, the unstable who have one foot in the world and one foot in the word, the ones who have decided they are “good where they are” and have no more growing or learning to do, the ones who put on Yehovah like a badge when they want something and shove Him in a closet when He gets in their way of “fun.”

So, get ready for some strong meat. If you aren’t all in, I’m just going to warn you now, you WILL be offended.

And all I have to say about that is GOOD. Now get over yourself, get on your knees and repent, and get right with God.

Now, buckle up. We have some work to do.

We are commanded in scripture to avoid the very appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

So, what does that mean?

It means staying out of the bars.

It means avoiding activities, games, TV shows, ANYTHING that involves the occult (Dungeons and Dragons, Bewitched, Hero’s Quest, etc.).

It means putting down the alcohol and drugs because you can’t profess to love God out of one side of your mouth and demonstrate that you love the world with the other.


It means staying away from all satanic music (Ronnie James Dio, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, etc.) – and DELETING it from all your devices, and throwing away any physical copies and paraphernalia.

It means NOT cursing or using foul language.

It means NOT using satanic or witchcraft symbols (pentagram, “rock and roll symbol,” anarchy symbol, etc.).

It means NOT chasing after money or status or fame because those are just temporal vices of the world and have absolutely no value in eternity. Worried about how you’ll live? Try a little faith. My God made manna fall from Heaven for 40 years so the Israelites never went hungry – and their shoes never wore out. He said trust HIM for your provision. Don’t chase after it yourself and definitely don’t use deceptive or underhanded practices to attain it.

Don’t hurt someone else just so you can climb on their back and take advantage of them just so you can get ahead.

It means NOT slandering others, especially those God has called to serve Him (fun fact: you are cursing yourself when you do that).

It means NOT allowing your bitterness, jealousy, or hatred to guide you because that puts those devils directly in the driver’s seat.

Are YOU a weapon the enemy has formed against one of Yehovah’s chosen? Then you better make it right because you will NOT prosper.

It means getting HUMBLE, taking RESPONSIBILITY for the wrong you do, APOLOGIZING when you are wrong, and SEEKING to preserve GODLY relationships by whatever means (which often means laying aside your PRIDE, HUMBLING yourself, and reaching out to repair the damage).

It means KEEPING THE SABBATH HOLY and OBEYING ALL of Exodus 20:8-11. From SUNDOWN on FRIDAY until SUNDOWN on SATURDAY, it is Sabbath. You RESPECT it, have REVERENCE for it, keep yourself CLEAN and PURE and HOLY for it (no hitting the bar, getting drunk, going to concerts, ANYTHING that does not directly HONOR GOD should be avoided!).

It means RESPECTING others, especially those in the body and especially those who are your spiritual authority whom God called to serve Him.

Most of all, it means walking as Yeshua walked (1 John 2:6).

Yehovah sees everything that you do. You can’t hide from Him. He hears every word you utter. Praying isn’t enough. Praise isn’t enough. Being baptized in His name is not enough. Getting the Holy Ghost is not enough. Keeping Torah is not enough.

You have to walk in the word EVERY SINGLE STEP, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And you have to KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN (your physical house and YOURSELF).

If you own any of these things, GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HOUSE.


If you don’t, then you are CURSING YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY.

You are just paying God lipservice and you aren’t really interested in Him. You are just playing patty-cake with Jesus and have NO real level of commitment.



If you are indeed sincere and serious about living for God and you have cleaned your own house, then you are ready for the next step.

You are to surround yourself with those who are like-minded and avoid being intimate with those who are not.

While we are commanded in scripture to preach the gospel and populate the Kingdom, scripture also warns us that we are to avoid becoming intimate with those who are not like-minded (2 Corinthians 6:14).

During Yeshua’s ministry, He did indeed teach and even heal people who were not walking with Him.

He ate with the lepers.

But He was intimate with the 12.

He did not yoke Himself with those who did not have the same level of commitment, the same drive, the same passion to go about His Father’s business.

And that is the example we are to follow.

Love people, teach them, and minister to them, but if they aren’t at least trying to pursue the things of God with a fervor that matches yours, then do NOT become yoked with them.

They will hinder your walk and put your family in danger.

You have to decide, do you love God and the things of God more?

Are you willing to sacrifice your own comfort for stepping into that deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him?

Are you willing to put away those things (and people) who you should not be yoked with and who will harm your relationship with Yehovah?

Are you willing to put down your prideful arrogance and humble yourself so that you can become what He wants you to be?

Will you die for Him?

  1. Denise Koets permalink

    110 percent not offended. And from my experience, what Jesus said is correct that the world will hate you. You might be lonely, so pray for brothers and sisters to come around you. Good news is that Jesus said we WILL HAVE HARD DAYS, but he will be by our side always. Especially if we are doing the will of God to the best of our ability. You are only the 3rd person Stephanie that I have heard this from, so I know it’s rare indeed. Hard to find true believers in Christ today, but I stand undeterred. I had to put away ALL of my biological family. For most that is hard. But Jesus asked, “who is my Mother, brothers, and sisters.” Then he gave the answer. Those who do the will of the Father in heaven.


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  1. Are YOU a Weapon that the Enemy has Formed Against Someone? | Stephanie A. Mayberry | Pursuing a Life of Holiness

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