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Biblical Submission and Religious Abuse in the Marriage

February 22, 2024

I know that there are some on here who are deceived and believe that women aren’t supposed to preach and teach.

If that’s you, well, you are going to like me even less now so you might want to scroll past this post because that’s exactly what I am about to do – preach and teach and bring down a few kingdoms in the process.

And you’re probably not going to like it.

This is really for the ladies, but it’s a lesson that the men could stand to learn as well.

Ladies, submission, BIBLICAL submission, does NOT mean that you are a slave to your husband. It does not mean that he can treat you like a child, making you feel small and powerless. It does not mean that he can bully you or control you or rule you with an iron fist.

A man who demands that type of submission is abusing you.

Religious abuse is real and it is one of the most destructive tools that hell uses against the family.

Many men read that the husband has authority over the wife – but they stop there.

It is true, the husband is the head of the household. BUT that authority does not give him free license to devalue, humiliate, belittle, or emotionally or physically wound his wife.

He is actually called to a higher standard because of that authority and is COMMANDED to love his wife as Christ loved the church.

Yeshua did not bully the church or devalue it. He did not humiliate or belittle it or wound it physically or emotionally. He did not seek to control it or rule it with an iron fist. He didn’t treat it like a child or make it feel small and powerless.


And that is what your husband is supposed to do for you.

He is supposed to be LIFTING YOU UP so that you can FIND YOUR PURPOSE that Yehovah has for you – not by telling you what it is but by SUPPORTING you and giving you the room and freedom to find it.

You are NOT an extension of your husband! You are one flesh, but you are also individuals. You are not his property and Yehovah has a purpose for you that is ONLY YOURS.

And in that you are one flesh, does one part of your own flesh have dominance over another? No, it all works together.

So, ladies, if you are with someone who is using scripture against you, to abuse you, know that Yehovah God never intended for you to be treated that way. Man has perverted His word because the god they serve is NOT the God of the Bible.

Paul named six virtues that should be demonstrated and pursued by a man of Yehovah. They are righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. Those are the qualities that your husband should be demonstrating – how he should be treating you. He should be protecting you and providing for you physically as well as spiritually. PROVIDING for you spiritually so that you can find YOUR OWN purpose and plan that Yehovah has for you.

Most of all, he is supposed to set a GOOD and GODLY example for you and your children. When he chose to step into the role of husband and father, he chose to come under the authority of Yehovah God and the spiritual authority that was placed over him by Yehovah. It is his RESPONSIBILITY to set the example for his family regarding how to submit to authority by submitting to the spiritual authority that Yehovah has placed over him.

If he does not do that, he is OUT OF ORDER.

Somewhere along the way they became lost, caught up in the shiny promises of a spirit that is completely contrary to Yehovah.

But know this. Yehovah wants you SAFE physically, mentally, AND SPIRITUALLY.

I’ll be publishing more on this in the coming days. I have such a burden for the abused and misused. We are going to explore what true biblical submission is – for both men and women.

You’ve been sold a bill of goods that isn’t biblical – many of you anyway. You have been told lies about your role as a wife and yes, as a husband.

Let’s sort this out because if you don’t get it right, your entire family is corrupted. And that abuse will be perpetuated throughout your generations.

Let’s drag this demon out into the light and deal with it, shall we?

Verses for study

Ephesians 5:25-29
Ephesians 5:21-24
1 Peter 3:1-7
Colossians 3:19
Ephesians 6:4
Ephesians 5:31
1 Corinthians 7:1-5
Proverbs 18:22
Proverbs 31:10-12
1 Timothy 6:11

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